25th March
It was our 10th month together.
It went well at first, but we argued. It was bad and sad... just because of the Mist Club Launch thing that I told him about. Something like, I don't let you go alone with your friends, but I said why I can't but you can.. I want my own time with my friends alone.. he said that I can't take care of myself, it's dangerous, what happens if I'm drunk.. The arguement went along that line. Tears all over, me and baby. Till the end of the day, we made up again. Thank god. And thanks baby for the Toblerone chocolate he bought for me as a small gift.. my favourite among all chocolates. Muaks. I love you.
26th March
I missed out Mist Club Launch.
It was devastating. Chloe and Pamela were trying to get me the ticket to go to the lauch.. they finally got one place for me, and Chyrus + Jasper were willing to come all the way to Paramount to fetch me to the club. But then, just one call from my mom, saying "a no means no", I couldn't go. No matter how I try to talk to her, or persuade her, still it was a no. The thing is free, it ends at 11pm that early, and almost the whole class is going, but I alone feeling like a loner and really like a nerd, was left behind the party. Thanks to my mom. She didn't answer any of my questions and most importantly, the question why I can't go, till I got into the car then she nagged me then answered my question. The answer she gave was hilarious. "The reason is very simple : This kind of places, you don't have to go anymore. What do you learn from going to all this places?". I didn't say anything at all. I just felt so disappointed. Everyone was so happening, planning how to go, what time to go, what to wear... sigh. But anyway, thanks for cheering me up, friends. *hugz*
27th March
Went back to high school.
I took my SPM cert already. And guess what? Just taking the cert made me really pissed. I was wearing a normal singlet and a pair of jeans. Because of the singlet, I was banned to take the cert. I couldn't help but my jaw just dropped, same to Mandy and Joanna. Mandy and I got problem taking the cert as I wore the singlet, and Mandy wore a skirt that's considered long as it touches her knees, but the stupid school said both of our dressings were inappropriate. Come on, my singlet barely show any of my private flesh or even normal flesh! It's just my stupid arms, that's it! Goddamn it. So I had to wear Mandy's jacket, then they let me take. Mandy was even worst, she had to borrow Joanna's jeans on the spot to take the cert. What the fuck... lol. It's damn funny, but an ass at the same time.
After taking the cert, I rushed to college. Meeting should start at 12pm. I took my cert at 11.30am, left school and drive to college at 11.45am. I thought I would be late but I was actually punctual, plus finding parking. Then! When I got down of the car, I got messages from them. All of them saying that they'll be late. All of them except Danny. Santik had to work. I was so lost..I felt so irritated. It's like, I rushed and to be punctual for nothing. I even brought my laptop and stuffs, so ready for the meeting to get things done, but in the end that came up. I thought I should've just ditched the meeting and went straight to OU with the gang, like how we've planned. So, Danny and I sat at Big Ice for awhile.. Ji came. Then we end the meeting at 12.45pm.
I went back home to put back my laptop, then rushed off to OU. Fetched Ivy and Joanna's sister - Anna. Nice hanging out with her! Hehe. Well, had fun a lot. Bought 4 new shades of nail polish which are all so cheap. Only RM3.90 and it's from The Face Shop. Had lunch at The Gardens, dinner at Wong Kok. God..I spent most of my money today on food. I didn't eat a lot, but the food we ate were.. expansive. Sob sobz. And again, I saw a pair of nice gladiator-like shoe in Voir. After discount, around RM43. I want that! I got my pay from parents today..should I get it soon?? Hmm. Hang out there with them till 7.45pm, then ciao. Got stuck in the jam for quite some time. Tiring.