Monday, November 30, 2009

The Beginning of The End.

1st December. Read this.

Whenever it comes to the end of the year, it never feels the end of the year, BUT the beginning of the year all over again. It keeps rolling further like a rounded machine, it keeps rolling to the front and never stops rolling. There's never an end, is there? Lol.

What are my thought for the end of the year, or to be specfic, a new beginning? Hmm. This - is something that I have to think about. Well, I definitely hope to spend my coming holidays as meaningful as possible... will be following my family for a vacation. Oh no, not only a vacation, but 2 vacations! Hehe. Apart from vacations, I will definitely see my buddies, it's the time where we update each other! I wanna go out to the mall, have bubble milk tea, cuppacakes... movies?? Yes! And I wanna spend time with baby, nothing can stop me on this.

Whilst hoping to really be in Cloud 9, there's an internship report to be finished. Yeap yeap. It's a simple report... it's basically telling what I've learnt and been through at Saatchi. I have confidence I can definitely finish up on time, and I will try my best to come up with a good report. Then time will zoom me into the nest and the last semester, which according to some of my friends, it'll be a very quick semester. Wow.. then I'll have to come out and work. As in, seriously working. God.. In dilemma - wish time flies, at the same time, to wish that time stops.


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