Thursday, July 16, 2009

The unexpected funny.

Oh well.

College is fun. Haha.. Some people are just so cute and weird. And the funny thing is that, you actually noticed him somehow, but not on purpose at all, but you didn't know that he had been noticing you also. Until today, went to him randomly just to ask him to fill up the survey, and actually got up to his class to get more respondents, I got all the attention when he was trying to approach me, made other guy friends of his went "wooing" and "aaahhhiing". Lol.

Thanks to Sherman, he got his name from Ms.Jo. What men! Hehe, crazy Sherman.

I've nothing towards all that at all. Just that it's so funny, and it's something that can make me laugh. And when college work really gets into my nerves, this can cheer me up a little... the incident.

I love my baby.

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