Monday, July 27, 2009

Start back.

After some rest the last weekend, I got back to work today.

Drove to Jaya 1 this morning for AM meeting. Same old place, at Old Town. Did I mention that I saw Bao? No, I didn't. Lol. I actually forgotten that he studies in UTAR, which is so near Jaya 1. And I bumped into him right at Old Town, he was having meeting there with his friends too. By the way, meeting was ok. Quite productive I guess..? The meeting ended quite early also. Was supposed to discuss till about 2pm, but then we finished at 12.30pm.

I gotta rush to OU after that, also one of the reason why it ended early. Rushed to OU for IMC meeting. Went there with Maine. Reached OU about 2pm, on the way, I fetched Sandra to uptown. IMC meeting was doomed, but not in a bad way. Just that we don't have the complete tabulation, so we couldn't do anything just yet. But another meeting was arranged to really complete everything. Since we couldn't do anything, we went to walk around OU! Lol. Thought of nothing but shopping. But oh well, I didn't get to buy what I wanna buy - my jeans. Sob. I bought a casual hippy dress from Ruffey i.d. instead, for RM15 only. Hehe.

On the other hand, oh my god! CCS haven't have any meeting yet men.. what the hell. I'm so ready for meeting! I did all the research and findings already, since don't know when... feel like I'm so wasting time, when the group can and should by now finish up 3 quarters of the assignment.

CEP individual assignment is annoying. The lecturer IS annoying. With the British accent... it's just so hard to get her damn approval. Shitz.

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