Monday, September 28, 2009


Oh No! It's Monday already. Also means, I'm much more closer to my internship, which is next Monday. Oh god.. so fast!

Meanwhile. I'm really lazy to blog recently, got nothing much to update also. But ah, I finished reading New Moon just today evening, and oh my god, I'm dying for the movie! And also the 3rd episode of Twilight. The ending left me hanging there, thirsting for more of it.

And yes! Finally, I got to watch The Ugly Truth, was with Man and Jo at OU. Damn, It's a freaking awesome movie. It's damn funny, crappy but make sense, and it's just so heart-warming.. hmm. Love love love this movie! Will get the dvd no matter what. Worth the keep, for me though.

By the way. Just got nagged by mum again. What else? All because of one fucking bikini I bought. Why on earth did she let me buy my first piece of bikini anyway, if she thinks the new bikini I bought is so damn exposing, when the new bikini I bought is just as same as my first piece where she allowed me to buy? What the hell is this nonsense men.. fuck it. And also, I'm in this terribly fucking awful mouth pain. Fucking ulcer beside, one more ulcer under my damn tongue, plus some cut right at the tip of my tongue. What the fuck!

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