Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Everyone is so busy with their lives. It's getting harder to catch up, or to even exchange a few messages. It's extremely hard to get on a date with friends too. It's totally understandable, why this is happening... everyone gets tired at the end of the day. Everyone barely have time for themselves, hence, how on earth would everyone even think of hanging out? Get home, eat, and sleep would be the best.

After tomorrow, it'll be my official 2 months working in SSKL already. How fast huh... I thank God and feel grateful that everything's working fine at work. There are still tonnes to learn, but I'm starting to pick up on things that I've been practicing. :)

I got this message from Hello! magazine. For zodiac of scorpions. It says something like:

"No matter how fast you learn or how much you learn, you'll not do any better if your base is not stable and strong enough - like the structure of a building. Seek help from the experienced - build your base and then to the way up"


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